87 Jeans and a fresh pair of Nikes on.
Really though, what do you know about top hat pimpin'? Pain is on that Abe Lincoln look.
Recently, I've been on that "Thugs Need Hugs Too" (<-circa Paul) The Movement. The past couple of weeks I've listened to more of what you could loosely call poppy hip-hop. A bit of it is due to the fact that this "genre" of music is getting SO many spins right now it's unavoidable. On the other hand, but some of these hip-hop songs targeted toward the female demo are genuinely catchy and no homo, some are legitimately hot tracks. For the uninitiated, the formula is basic ball. Take any semi-decent/popular (as you know this is not one in the same anymore as production has superseded actual talent as king. but I digress, that's a different subject altogether) R&B crooner and add any rapper out, throw in a catchy hook and/or beat and you end up with instant SoundScan magic.
Cliffnotes look like Mad Libs:
R&B singer + Rapper + popular production (JD, J.U.S.T.I.C.E. League, Neptunes, Polow da Don, The Runners, Timbo, etc.) = radio spins like it's goin' out of style. Higher learning calls, I'll expand on this at a later time.
I just thought this was kinda cool, J Legend doin' what he does with a Slum Village cut.
I know I know, I went ExtraHard on videos today. Had to do it.
P.S. Happy 20th Peter.