Great weekend. Lots of good people.
First off, Jaeho, GREAT look showing us a great time in Scottsdale at Geisha House and PCL. If you've never rolled with Timmy before, you just wouldn't understand. He kept the Belvedere flowing like it was on tap! Didn't even matter that there were a few of your standard Scottsdale tools and douche bags scattered throughout. THANK YOU TIMMY.
And if you guys haven't had a chance to check out Hob Nob on Chandler and 56th, it doesn't miss. It's a sports bar with all the TVs you would ever need and delicious food. Paul and Timmy, great recommendation and thanks for waiting up.
If you guys have ever been pleasantly surprised by a smaller than usual kickback then you know exactly what I'm talking about. There had to be less than 20 people. But good people + me = one of the better times I've had at a kickback. Kyle, Monte, Travis, thanks for your house fellas, a great time was had by all. GA boys do it right, held it down. Falling up, really?
Justin stomps entertainment centers and pushes washing machines like it's nobody's business.
Janae, put the Frutézia down!
Kelsey, maybe try not to get in the way when people are kicking beer cups because Flippy cup officially sucks.
PCL ain't done it right during my hey days.
You tellin' me that it's different?
Haha, wow, you haven't used this name in a while.
That was my point, it's not that PCL did it right or wrong. WE did it right. Good company is all you need. Recognize it, it's not Hollywood.
much love bwee.
bwee?? i always thought it was booey!!! haha
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