But on to bigger and better things. Check it out, Kurt Warner aka The Truth aka White Jesus. Don't let the goofy Robocop/Terminator look with the oven mitts fool you, that's just to mess with other teams. Please believe dude's passing game is super buttery, just ask his fantasy football owners and Anquan Boldin (speaking of whom, Bidwell family, please give dude his money, he's gorilla pimpin' on the field).

Don't sleep on the Cardinals, 2-0 isn't much but it's a start. What up Mike, what up Easton, we been tryin' to tell folks.
Let's get it Sun Devils. The line for the game is only -7 GA for the betting folks out there. I would've thought they'd be spotting more so that's not a bad outlook at all for A State. #2 in the Pac-10 is ripe for the picking right now.
And Happy Belated to Brett "The Big Hurt" Lynch, hit the big veintiuno last night, sorry I didn't make it out big fella.
Cardinals 2-1.
ASU.....I told you them Southern Dogs will getcha!
Comments like these are why I'll stay salty at PaulLee.
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