Monday, February 25, 2008

We're Overrated and Not Even Knowin'

So I got a request from my boy Redman to really let the people know who is getting way too much unwarranted hype these days. The people and things on the list range from extremely feeble to strongly mediocre and I'll talk about them when I get a chance. So here it is no particular order...

1) The Beatles
2) Steve Jobs
3) People who put clothes on their pets (Jesus already gave them clothes, it's called FUR)
4) Amy [Wino]house
5) Subway Jared, Jared Leto (Matter of fact, are there any good Jareds? Or is that one of those names destined for mediocrity the way girls named Mercedes and Porsche is destined for scripperhood?)
6) Al Gore (you're only impressing stupid people with your huge graphs)
7) Thoughtless tattoos (is that still going to be cool in 2 days?)
8) Arizona drivers, especially in the rain
9) RoboPhoto (photo radar, what a scam)

10) Come correct son, or you'll see yourself on here


Unknown said...

Damn. I'm so happy I have access to Bwee's thoughts any time I want.

Yah bitch yah! Wheeeee!

Unknown said...

wow, i thought definetly Charis would have made this list... oh wells... hahaha Thanks bwii